Sarah & Ciaran’s Post-Wedding Shoot

Welcome to Sarah & Ciaran’s post-wedding photo shoot!

Sarah & Ciaran got married in July this year in Limavady and celebrated with their friends and family at Corick House in Clogher, County Tyrone.

Post-Wedding Photography Northern Ireland

It was an amazing day and everyone had a brilliant time. It’s one of my favourite weddings from 2019 and everyone loves my photos from the day.

The only thing that didn’t go right on the day was the weather.

For a wedding in the middle of July, the weather was absolutely awful. The morning was nice but after the ceremony, the weather changed drastically.

Wedding Photographer Northern Ireland

I felt so bad for the couple. It was one of those miserable days that when it started, it rained forever and never looked like passing. Any small break in the weather was grey and miserable.

Not exactly what Sarah and Ciaran had in mind for their big day when they began planning over two years ago.

Throw into the mix a really long car journey from their ceremony to their venue in a classic car that took far longer than planned and the couple were really up against it for time.

Of course, as photographer on the wedding day, I did what I could with the weather and with the little bit of time I had for photos when we eventually arrived at the venue.

I squeezed a lot into a short amount of time and I’m really happy with the photos and more importantly, so are Sarah & Ciaran and their families.

Post-Wedding Photo Shoot Northern Ireland

A few weeks later, whenever Sarah & Ciaran visited my studio to see all of their wedding photography, after they had seen over 1,000 beautiful images, I asked Sarah, do you fancy getting into your wedding dress one more time?

Sarah loved the idea and with a little convincing, so did Ciaran.

I proposed a post wedding shoot at a location near to their heart and we would plan to do it on a day that the weather wasn’t going to let us down.

We chatted for ages about ideas and we decided that we should do something completely different from the wedding on the post-wedding shoot.

Something that would have been impossible to do on the actual wedding day. Sarah suggested that she could even tweak her look for the shoot as she had a couple of ideas for the wedding day and now she could do both.

For location, I suggested Binevenagh, the same location for their engagement shoot. I knew this was a place close to their hearts.

With all the excitement for the post wedding shoot, I brought the wedding day photos back into the conversation and I stressed that I loved them and captured what happened on the wedding day.

In no way would we be stepping on the toes of the wedding day pictures as they had a life of their own and soon so would these new pictures.

So we pencilled in a few dates for the shoot and Sarah arranged for her hair and makeup to be done. Being super efficient, Sarah already had her dress dry-cleaned!

After a few more rainy days, (how bad has our summer been?) the last date we pencilled into the diary turned out to be amazing which was perfect as we were headed to Shrove beach in Donegal. After a bit of thinking, Sarah & Ciaran chose Shrove beach which has views of Binevenagh close by. It turned out to be a fantastic choice.

Day After Shoot

On the day of the shoot, Sarah got around a million compliments from one or two passers by and by her own account, she felt amazing being back in her wedding dress. Sarah told me that when she told all her friends what she was doing, they were all so happy and wished that they could do the same!

A big shout out to Ciaran for suffering in the heat in his full suit. I joked at least it was a lot cooler on the wedding day.

I think on the day of the post-wedding shoot, it took around sixty seconds for Sarah & Ciaran to get comfortable in front of the camera. At this stage they are pros and really should be sick of me but I’m glad to say they aren’t.

We had a really fun shoot and for Sarah and Ciaran, it gave them everything they wanted. I’m sure as the years go by, they will be even happier that they got dressed up again and got some beautiful photos in the sun.

I’m happy I got to spend another few hours with another of my great couples. Sarah & Ciaran’s cinematographer told me, Shea you always get the best couples. He’s right. I do and I’m so happy to be able to photograph their weddings.

When all is said and done, Sarah & Ciaran will have the full trinity collection to grace their walls and home forever. The pre-wedding shoot, the wedding day and the post-wedding shoot.

Post-Wedding Photographer Northern Ireland

Are you considering getting dressed up again and doing a post-wedding photo shoot? If you are, I’d love to hear your ideas.

If I was already booked for your wedding day, this is the perfect opportunity to have a shoot with me. Maybe you had a miserable day like Sarah and Ciaran or maybe you fancy something completely different. Got married in the summer and fancy a winter wedding or vice versa? Get in touch.

Love what you see?

Book your free 30 minute consultation with Shea to see if your date is still available.


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